Sprite 1984 - 1993
Sprite 1984 - 1993.iso
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Text File
343 lines
% Copyright 1990, Daniel R. Greening. Copying is permitted for any
% non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright and the
% documentation are retained on copies and derivative works. No
% warrantee is expressed or implied, and the author makes no claims
% about the usefulness, applicability, or correctness of the program.
% Greening Phonelist TeX Format.
% This thing is pretty cool, if I do say so myself. I've used it for
% several years. It formats phone numbers into a 9x9 block that looks
% like the picture that follows. The picture is simplified. There is
% enough room for decent sized names, long phone numbers (with area
% or country-codes and extensions), and addresses with 9-digit
% zipcodes. Print out the phone list example included and you'll
% see.
% ------------------+------------------+------------------
% | sally W 784-7861 | dan W 784-7861 | zeke W 784-7861 |
% | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 |
% | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct |
% | New York,NY 10 | New York,NY 10 | Topeka,KS 1054 |
% | georgeW 444-adff | | clem W 444-adff |
% | schoolW 277-2222 | KANSAS | jethroW 277-2222 |
% | abe W 331-3333 | | abigaiH 331-3333 |
% | ron W 231-2341 | jeb W 231-2341 | emmy W 231-2341 |
% | | | |
% ------------------+------------------+------------------
% | MICHIGAN | dan W 784-7861 | |
% | dan H 463-5788 | H 271-2629 | WASHINGTON |
% | 5582 Golfridge | 12 Foster Ct | |
% | Alma, MI,48801 | Lansing,MI 432 | nancy W 234-2223 |
% | W 623-3330 | georgeW 444-adff | georgeW 444-adff |
% | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 |
% | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 |
% | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 |
% | | | |
% ------------------+------------------+------------------
% | jeff W 784-7861 | W 784-7861 | jack W 784-7861 |
% | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 |
% | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct |
% | New York,NY 10 | New York,NY 10 | New York,NY 10 |
% | georgeW 444-adff | georgeW 444-adff | georgeW 444-adff |
% | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 |
% | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 |
% | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 |
% | | | |
% ------------------+------------------+------------------
% I typically take the output and cut it along the horizontal dividing
% lines, then staple the thing together on the left. If you fold it
% in half, it fits in a pocket or a largish wallet. If you want to
% stick it in a smaller wallet (and you are patient), you can tape the
% horizontal strips end-to-end and fan-fold it. It then occupies the
% space of a credit-card.
% Precede lines that contain a country, state or province header with
% ``$''. This is an example header for the sovereign state of California:
% Lines which contain a phone number work like this:
% person-name ; cat ; phone-number
% The ``cat'' is typically a one or two letter abbreviation, as in
% ``W'' for work, ``H'' for home, ``FX'' for FAX, ``P'' for parents,
% etc. The phone-number field defined in this macro package is large
% enough to accommodate the number ``999-999-9999x9999''. Here is an
% example:
% Alan Turing ; W ; 213-825-2266
% ; H ; 914-784-7861
% Finally, you indicate an address with the prefix ``>''. This simply
% indents the text which follows by one \quad. Here's a bigger
% example:
% Alan Turing ; W ; 213-825-2266
% > UCLA Computer Science Dept.
% > Los Angeles, CA 90024-1647
% ; H ; 914-784-7861
% > 1243 Blenheim Lane
% > Los Angeles, CA 90025
% Blank lines essentially mean nothing when the occur between these
% three constructs.
% If you want to include formatted paragraphs, you can do so, but you
% must terminate them with ``\par'' or with a blank line.
% Enjoy. If you make any interesting modifications, let me know.
% Dan Greening / dgreen@cs.ucla.edu
% The following produces 3 column, 3 row output.
\newdimen\hboxsize\global\hboxsize=\hsize\advance\hboxsize by 0.5in
\newdimen\vboxsize\global\vboxsize=\vsize\advance\vboxsize by 0.5in
\def\fullhbox{\hbox to\fullhsize}
\def\fullvbox{\vbox to\fullvsize}
\newcount\colcount \global\colcount=11
\newcount\rowcount \global\rowcount=5
\baselineskip=6 pt plus 1pt
\parindent 0pt
% Define argument to accept ^^M as a terminator for a macro (such as
% ;, $, and >.
\def\parsearg #1{\let\next=#1\begingroup\obeylines\futurelet\temp\parseargx}
\ifx \obeyedspace\temp \aftergroup\parseargdiscardspace \else%
\aftergroup \parseargline %
\fi \endgroup}
{\obeyspaces %
\gdef\parseargdiscardspace {\begingroup\obeylines\futurelet\temp\parseargx}}
\gdef\obeyedspace{\ }
\def\parseargline{\begingroup \obeylines \parsearglinex}
{\obeylines %
\gdef\parsearglinex #1^^M{\endgroup \next {#1}}}
\def\initcolbox#1 {\global\setbox#1=\vbox to\vboxsize{\hrule\vss\hbox %
to\hboxsize{\vrule height\vboxsize\hfil\vrule height\vboxsize}\vss\hrule}}
\def\initcolboxes{ \initcolbox11 \initcolbox12 \initcolbox13 \initcolbox14
\initcolbox15 \initcolbox16 \initcolbox17
\initcolbox18 \initcolbox19 }
\global\setbox\colcount=\vbox to \vboxsize
{\hrule width\hboxsize\vss\hbox to \hboxsize
{\vrule height\vboxsize\hss\columnbox\hss\vrule height\vboxsize}
\vss\hrule width\hboxsize}
% Current column is now saved.
\global\advance\colcount by 1
% For the very end.
\ifnum\outputpenalty>-100000 \else
\def\columnbox{\vbox to\vboxsize{\vfill\hbox{\vbox to\vsize{\unvbox255\vfill}}\vfill}}
% Here we define ``$'' ``>'' and ``;'' as active macro
% characters. They serve as separators for fields in our phone list.
\gdef\phonelineyyy #1;#2;#3\finish{
\hbox to\widthb{\hfil\ignorespaces #1\hfil}
\hbox to 0.05in{\hfil}
\hbox to\widthc{\ignorespaces #2\hfil}
\gdef\phoneline #1{\catcode`\;=11\phonelineyyy #1;;;\finish}
\def\addressline#1{\hbox to\hsize{\quad\ignorespaces #1\hfil}\par}
\def\arealine#1{\vbox to 1pt{\vfil}\hbox to\hsize{\hfil{\bf\ignorespaces #1}\hfil}\vbox to 1pt{\vfil}}
Daniel R. Greening ; W ; 213-825-2266
; H ; 213-829-7726
> 3436 Boelter Hall
> Los Angeles, CA 90024-1596
ISI ; W ; 213-822-1511
Avalon Ventures ; W ; 415-960-1879
Sierra Club ; W ; 415-776-2211
UC Student Assn ; W ; 916-447-8272
Rep. Barney Frank ; W ; 202-225-5931
NGLTF ; W ; 202-332-6483
House of Reps ; W ; 202-225-3121
National Park Service ; W ; 202-343-4747
US Student Assn ; W ; 202-775-8943
Georgia Inst. Tech. ; W ; 404-894-2300
Bruce D. Shriver ; W ; 318-231-5811
> Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Computer
> U. of Southwestern Louisiana
> Drawer 42730
> Lafayette, LA 70504-2730
> shriver@usl.edu
Ober Travel ; W ; 301-496-6676
Appalachian Mt.Club ; ; 617-523-0636
ATHENA ; W ; 617-253-1300
Kluwer Acad. Pub.; W ; 617-871-6600
MIT LCS ; W ; 617-253-5851
REI ; W ; 617-944-5103
> 279 SalemSt.
> Boston,MA
> (exit 40 off Rt128)
AMC Hut Reservations ; ; 603-466-2727
Warren Rudman ; W ; 603-666-7591
LANL ; W ; 505-667-5061
LANL Library ; W ; 505-667-4175
> 8am-4.30pm m-f
LANL CNLS ; W ; 505-667-1444
Santa Fe Institute ; W ; 505-984-8800
> 1120 Canyon Road
> Santa Fe, NM 87501
AAA ; W ; 212-586-1166
AAA autoTripMaps ; W ; 914-997-7744
ACM ; W ; 212-869-7440
B\&H Photo ; W ; 212-807-7474
Bee Line ; W ; 682-2020
> 14 N
Bee Line/lost+found ; W ; 376-6361
Carey Bus ; W ; 212-286-9766
> lost/found 718-632-0529
Conran's Habitat ; W ; 914-683-5858
> I 287 E to exit 5. take 2nd left
Cornell University ; W ; 607-255-2000
Daniel R. Greening ; W ; 914-784-7861
; H ; 914-271-2629
> IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
> P.O.Box 704
> Yorktown Heights, NY 10598-0704
IBM Hawthorne ; W ; 914-784-7000
; FX; 914-784-7455
> 30 Saw Mill River Road
> Hawthorne, NY 10532
> mail:
> P.O.Box 704
> Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Kayson Jeep ; W ; 914-271-5105
; FX; 914-271-5581
NYNEX ; W ; 914-964-6500
Oliva Car Service ; W ; 914-769-8881
Ossining Pub Lib ; W ; 914-941-2416
> 9a n to 133 millwood.
> bear right. thru underpass
> 53 Croton Avenue.
> m-th9.30-9
> f,sa9.30-5.30,su1-5
REI ; W ; 914-632-9222
> 500 Main St.
> New Rochelle, NY
French Consulate ; W ; 212-606-3600
Hertz ; W ; x23789
; W ; 914-948-3024
MetroNorth Commuter ; ; 800-522-5624
New York Tax Board ; W ; 800-462-8100
; W ; 518-438-1073
New York Times ; W ; 800-631-2500
NYU Info ; W ; 212-998-4636
NYU Bookstore ; W ; 212-998-4656
NYU Book orders ; W ; 212-998-4678
Oscar Wilde Books ; W ; 212-255-8097
Sailing Info ; W ; 914-271-6868
Courtsports ; W ; 914-592-3005
MCNC ; W ; 919-248-1800
> 3021 Cornwallis Road
> P.O. Box 12889
> Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889
> The Ohio Supercomputer Center
> 1224 Kinnear Road
> Columbus, OH 43212-1154
SEMATECH ; W ; 512-356-3500
> 2706 MontopolisDr.
> Austin,TX 78741
Lake Chelan Nat.Rec. ; W ; 509-682-4711
% Local Variables
% tab-width:25
% End